Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Gray's Papaya, Its Not Just a Movie.

So “J” and I are walking down a NYC street towards Times Square, when I notice out of the corner of my eye a bright, glowing sign. It was calling to me, it was saying…..well nothing because it was a sign. But anyways, when I looked up there it was! A Gray’s Papaya hot dog place! Now for anyone that’s seen the movie “Fools Rush In” you know how important a Gray’s Papaya hot dog is. For those of you that don’t know, let me explain. In the movie “Fools Rush In”, Matthew Perry (yes, that’s the one dude from Friends) is an architect who suddenly has to go to Las Vegas to build a club of some sort. However, Matthew Perry’s character is a tried and true “New Yorker”, Manhattan to be exact, and so he doesn’t really jive well with the atmosphere in Vegas. And several times during the movie talks about “Gray’s Papaya” hot dogs and how great they are and how wonderful they are in NYC and how much he misses them.


Your right in questioning how this movie could be good. Your wondering why a hotdog has such a central role in a movie. Your also wondering why I should care. Correct? Obviously the hotdog has nothing to do with the central theme of the movie nor does it have any effect on the plot whatsoever.

*back to blog*

There is this really cute part where Salma Hayek overnights a few Gray’s Papaya hot dogs so he can have one…….ok so I’ve seen the movie a few to many times. But it was fun to see that they truly exsist! I realize that this was not enlightening in any way, nor was it informative. But I enjoyed eating the same hot dog’s as Matthew Perry. Call me weird. I don’t care, it wouldn’t be the first time. But one day you’ll look back and say, “Man. I wish I could say that I ate the same hot dogs as Matthew Perry.” And I’ll say, “Naaa naa naaaa na naaaaaaaaaaaan naaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! Hoser.” But maybe that’s not fair…..not everyone can be as cool as me…..hmmmm….. *Tamaira walks away pondering this new thought*

And in case your wondering: Yes, They were delicious! (and cheap)

ps. check out my Flickr link to see more photos from my NYC trip! And stay tuned for many more stories from NYC. Including one where I get i'm not joking. I really do get punched..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey man, those hot dogs were amazing!!!!
I also thought bout the film while ate them ;)

My best meal in NYC