Thursday, December 28, 2006

Mail Room Blues

What is it that causes us to be so patient with one person and so rude to another? Is this another case of “smell” (referring to the scientists claim that people are actually attracted to a persons smell rather than they themselves….look it up) or are some people just able to push our buttons more than others?
Here at work we have a normal mail lady that is just awesome. She’s friendly, she does her job, that’s it. Then we have the fill-in who is a witch. And I just told her off today. . . For the second time.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Take THAT msn

So I just finished reading MSN’s reviews of the best 10 movies this year. And it has compelled me to write my own. I’m sure that most of my list will be different than the other 10 reviewers lists….partly because I think most critics suck and partly because some of the artsy films they listed as the best, I just flat out haven’t seen. So with that in mind, here is my list of the top 10 best movies this year, and a list of the worst. Then, out of fairness, I have compiled a list of movies that may (or may not) be on the top ten list, I just haven’t seen them yet, but I have high hopes. Here goes:

TOP 10 BEST MOVIES (that I’ve seen):
Alright so in a year with so MANY bad , bad, bad movies, it was hard to think up 10 movies that were entitled to the title “Best”. So I’ve only got 8, with a few that I have HIGH hopes for being on that list once I actually see them. (These are in no particular order of awesomeness, just a random list)

Casino Royale: First of all this was the best James Bond movie I’ve seen yet. This tops every James Bond movie ever made in my opinion. What makes it better is that I was the biggest of skeptics and a huge Brosnan fan. I still loved it. They (for once) didn’t sacrifice the story for the shootings and explosions and you finally get a better grasp of who and what made Bond the way he is.

Inside Man: Oddly enough, I didn’t see this movie until I rented it. And I rented out of a need to see an action movie or at least a movie that wasn’t just fluff. And amazingly and much to my great surprise, that’s exactly what I got. This movie was fantastic and had you guessing from the beginning. Maybe I’m biased, I just love those kinds of movies, but the acting was headed by a fantastic cast and the storyline was one of originality but based out of the same old bank robbing story line that we’re used to. A great twist on the usual “heist movies”.

The Prestige: For reasons I’m currently unable to figure out, no one liked this movie except me. And I LOVED it. Its probably one of the one or two favorites I have this year. Fantastic cast, great story, new idea that hasn’t been done to death, tricky plot that keeps you guessing ( I told you I liked those kinds of movies) and Hugh Jackman is just hot. *shrug* Its true. I can’t lie.

Thank You For Smoking: Wow. This is probably one of the best movies this year hands down, and while it got its kudos early on, it seems to have been forgotten about lately. This movie was an awesomely done satirical look at the way lobbyists work today or rather, just the way society is today. There is so much more to this movie than is what is on the outside. You just have to see it. A definite must see. And who can deny that Aaron Eckhart deserves an award for that performance?

Man Of The Year: I couldn’t help but love this movie solely for the fact that I agreed with basically everything that was said. Robin Williams movie about a TV comic that is voted to be President of the USA had me cracking up. And not just because he’s funny. Finally a political movie that isn’t just bashing Bush, the environment or fast food. Finally a political movie that makes fun of POLITICS, and not just the people that are involved in them, but rather the group as a whole.

Mission Impossible III: The first Mission Impossible movie to have me really engrossed since the first one. Finally a throw back to the smart movies and not just the ‘blow-em-up” films. But the person to give the credit to is not Tom Cruise but instead Phillip Seymour Hoffman, who rules as the best villain I’ve seen in awhile.

Talladega Nights : Thank you Will Farrell. Thank you for finally making another funny movie. Its not that I’m tired of your other funny films, but I’d like to start quoting something new. There’s only so far that the “whore Island” joke can take you. It was almost refreshing to see another funny Farrell movie. And Sasha Baren Cohen wasn’t so bad either.

V For Vendetta: In my opinion, this movie well lived up to the hype it caused. Funny, sad, true, scary, and touching don’t even begin to cover all of the emotions that this movie creates. More fictional than I believe could ever really happen, it still reaches out to you on the “what if” level. Not to mention that the story is something new, and that always gets my attention.

And now for the few that I hope will make this list but as of yet, I have not seen:
The Departed
Children of Men
Hard Candy
Pans Labyrinth
The Pursuit of Happiness

And now for the WORST films I’ve seen this year:
I actually had to narrow it down because the list was getting to long. And while there are several movies out there that I wouldn’t even need to see because I’d just KNOW they were bad, these are the ones that I was tricked into thinking could be at least enjoyable. They weren’t.

American Dreamz: The MOST disappointing movie this year. No plot, horrid acting, worst couple of hours of my life. Who let this movie out? Was it a case of bad editing? Did the head of the movie industry owe this director a favor? Was his life threatened? There is no real reason why this movie should have sucked as much as it did. Who knows how many careers were flushed with this one.

Crank: This movie is just gross. Don’t watch it. Its stupid. Had so much potential that was thrown away just so 14 yr olds could get off on seeing a big bad movie. BLAH.

The Benchwarmers: Wow. It wasn’t even funny. Not once. Ever.

Firewall : Maybe Harrison Ford should retire? The only thing that was done well in this movie was his facial expression. Which never changed. Ever. The whole time.

16 Blocks: This just stunk. Its not worth words.

World Trade Center: Ok. If you’re going to make a movie about a national tragedy. And you’re going to make it so soon after it happened……THEN MAKE IT GOOD. For crying out loud this was the worst thing that could have happened to that tragedy. You couldn’t concentrate on the plot because you were doing one of two things:
in awe of how lame the movie was.
And who casted Nicholas Cage???? Don’t do that. Ever again.

Have you seen these and you agree? Disagree? want to add to the list? Just leave me a comment. I like hearing opinions!

Monday, December 04, 2006

Things I've Learned Today

1. Pantyhose were actually made to be burned.

Its not a feminist movement. They just suck.

2. I will never get a new phone. Its not in the

cards for me. I called Dionne, she said no.

3. If you dress nice, you do get attention.

But its usually older, married men that

are gross.

4. People believe only what they want to

believe. Show them evidence, they'll

show you an Oprah special.

5. Is it just me? Or did Ellen blatantly

rip off Oprah's holiday give-away?

And finally....

6. If global warming will fix the weather

right now....then I say lets all go buy

some aerosol hairspray.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Baby Blunders

Here at work we have this big nativity thing in the front lobby, with every character present except for Santa himself… and this little boy about two seconds ago walked by and said to his Dad…

“Daddy looky! Its baby Noah!”

I about died.