Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Blog De-Virginization

So...this is my first official "real blog" post......my so-called "Blog De-Virginization". (honestly, I don't care if its a real word or not) So I thought it fitting to start off my new found love, by introducing my current love. My fabulous "J" *names have not been changed to protect the innocent, simply shortened* He is the love of my life, the most fabulous person I know, and quite possibly the smartest...*screeeeeech* ok lets not get carried away here people, we all know that I am in fact the smartest....heh heh....anyways..People meet J, J meet people. Become close friends because I'm going to talk about him alot. And why shouldn't I? As I stated before, he is my shining star in life. (if I keep going do you think Hallmark will offer me a job? never hurts...) Hopefully my new found blog friend will help me get back some of my creative juices i've been so lacking lately. Here's hoping....


Anonymous said...

I always enjoy reading your blog entries. Have a super great day Sunshine! :)


Anonymous said...

nice kid nice, still informative with that witty attitude that we all know and love. ciao

Anonymous said...


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