Monday, July 31, 2006

I BELIEVE!!!!.........(that you're full of crap)

I'm sure you've all heard it before. The crazy chick who screams loudly at the top of her lungs (while flashing her large rock) "I just KNEW he was the one!!". And while you roll your eyes and pretend to be entralled and wowed by her new found Psychic abilites, you still find yourself wondering.."but how'd she know?". At least, thats what I used to think. Now when someone does that in front of me, I start mimicing that one game, you know the one, where the person loudly calls your bluff with a thundering "Bull$#*t!". At least that's what I feel like yelling. After numerous relationships, I've looked back and realized that the feeling is nothing more than hindsight bias. Naturally, every woman wonders if "he" IS the one....but that doesn't mean that you know, maybe you hope/wish/pray/stalk/and lie about him being the one, but you surely don't "know". And its not that I have a huge dislike for psychics or a need to be pessimistic. But after having more than one relationship where I "thought" that person was the "one", I started thinking I must be nuts. (Because that's what a person starts thinking when they don't fit in with all the truly crazy people that are out there). I figured that I must be obsessed with the idea of "marriage" or that I was one of those people who would settle for anyone. And honestly as funny or maybe odd as that may sound, it did a number on parts of my self-esteem. I didn't want to be that person that would marry anyone, and I'd never thought of myself as that way, if anything I had more standards than the average bear (throw back to ole Yogi) If I had known that someone was the "one", then why didn't I know that the person would turn psychotic in the end? (and don't get me wrong, while I may joke about psychotic boyfriends, I've had more than one that was that way) So why was I feeling so pathetic? Was it just disguised disappointment? Maybe. But that didn't change the fact that I never heard stories about anyone being wrong about "the one". All you hear is " I just kneeeeeeeeeew" *moment to gag* So while I was wasting time thinking about what was so "wrong" with me, I realized that there were several people I knew who married someone that they never thought they would. One in particular actually hated the person they ended up with before they started dating. So did these people know? I doubt it.
Its really easy to look at someone and see potential, which is basically all anyone is ever doing. At the point where you end up engaged or married, its even easier to say "I knew it". But what do you say to yourself when that doesn't happen? How do you battle societies need for women to "know"? The only feeling you have when that happens is that YOU did something wrong, that you're to blame for why your "I just knew it someone" is now with someone else. I don't really know how to counteract that other than just being aware that nobody ever knows. Maybe they have an idea, or they hope with all their heart. But realism needs to step up to the plate and do its job. Just because a person has alot of potential in the beginning, doesn't mean its meant to last forever. This is one lesson i've become very familiar with. And it took me being tired of feeling like a complete loser to realize it. Society made me feel like I should "know" and that pressure of wondering if I "knew" or not or wondering what it meant if I didn't "know" was completely ridiculous and really tiring.
Take it from me, you never "know" you just make educated decisions and hope that the person you picked will value your relationship as much as you do. Its as much about faith as the dictionary is about words.

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