Tuesday, October 03, 2006

It's 4pm, Do You Know Where YOUR Delinquent Is?

I’d like to think that I’m a reasonable human being. And a reasonable female in a society hell-bent on having nothing but feminism running rampant. However, being my moral and ethical self, I have a line that I draw when it comes to “screwing with me”.
I can handle the dirty joke, if its not so extreme that it would offend even Ted Bundy. TV shows and movies don’t usually bother me, and it takes a lot to really offend me in general. But people who do stupid things because they either lack the intelligence to think of something else or because they lack the ability to do anything else, really really annoy me. Case in point: Yesterday, while answering the phone *at work* I get a long distance phone call and when I answered it at first there was no one there so I hung up. The second time they called back ( 30 seconds later) I answered, ran through the whole “hello? HELLO??” thing, and was about to speak when I heard someone speak. Again, I said “Hello?” thinking maybe it was a bad connection. And that’s when I decided that answering the phone was overrated. The guy on the other end of the phone began talking in a dirty, phone sex, sorta way…lets just say I’d love to tell you what he said but it wouldn’t be appropriate for ANYONE of ANY age to read. I hung up. What fixed the problem was that the THIRD time he called back, I had the security guard answer it.
No more of that guy.
I don’t know what it is that causes some people to be so crass or rude or so unbelievably stupid and immature. Maybe that paint chips thing has more merit than I thought. *hmm*
Next time, a word of advice. Don’t just eat the chips, drink the whoooole gallon.
It saves some resources for the rest of us that aren’t pathetic.
~peace out~

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