Friday, October 06, 2006

Option #4

In my humble…okay, not so humble, opinion there are three types of people in the world.
1. the kind that barf in the bathroom and then tell no one because they are scared to admit it was them.
2. the kind that barf in the bathroom and then tell someone, but act like they just discovered it.
3. the one that barfs in the bathroom and then tells someone and apologizes.

I am option #4. Yes, you are correct, there wasn’t an option #4. If we were giving out cookies for observation, you’d get a big frosted one. ( that was sarcasm by the way, and notice how I spelled out “by the way” instead of “btw”?? I digress….) I, as I was saying, am option #4. First I’d like to point out that I’ve never actually barfed in any bathroom in public, but for those of you that catch on quicker than most people you have already figured out that my lame attempt at an analogy had nothing to do with barfing anyways. It has mainly to do with responsibility and somewhat to do with what you view as “important”. Let me explain: Those of you that are option #1, you really had no need to take responsibility for what happened. At least people like option #2 told someone about the barf, YOU didn’t. You just left the crime scene like a hit and run……a “barf” and run so to speak. ( I know. I’m hilarious.) That or you were just too wimpy to even deal with the situation. And I have a hard time figuring out how you’ll ever handle anything if you can’t even handle a little vomit in the porcelain. Option #2 people aren’t really all that bad, at least they take some responsilbility for what happened, however they’re just a little bit too worried about what people think of them. Option #3 people are like Chiefs fans, they love everything they do, and aren’t ashamed to be proud of everything they do….even if they lose…oops! I mean…even if they do something not worthy of much “praise”. Option #3 people are good enough because they are fans of themselves and they don’t really care about what John Doe thinks of their vomit, HOWEVER, option #3 people probably would love to compare their vomit to John Doe’s (to see who’s is better) should the need, challenge or boredom ever arise. *snicker*
So as I stated before, I am option #4.
Which one are you?

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