Thursday, November 09, 2006


Sorry its been awhile. I was preoccupied.
Here's some recent funness from my last crazy escapade. I made up a quiz for J.
Here are the results.

1. If you had to be a fruit, what kind of fruit would you be?
A. an orange, cause you peel off the skin and i'm sweet underneath.
RESPONSE: I failed to explain to him that I already think he is a fruit...LOL JK!

2. Finish the sentence: I sometimes wish I was ______?
A. a millionaire already
RESPONSE: I like that answer. Go positive thinking!

3. If you won the lottery what is the first thing you would buy?
A. another lottery ticket
RESPONSE: Incorrect. The correct answer would have been something more along the lines of "something expensive for Tamaira" or "a car for Tamaira" or even "something ridiculously expensive that Tamaira doesn't need".

4. You love Tamaira more than anything because?
A. "she doesn't take sh*t and knows how to give it back"
RESPONSE: I dig it.

5. Tamaira loves J more than anything because?
A. "I'm a rockstar"
RESPONSE: hold up there cowboy, lets not get carried away....."rockstar" might be putting it a bit...uh....wrong. However, I dig that confident thinking!

Isn't he adorable?
(he's gonna kill me for this)

1 comment:

~T~ said...


I'm not sure what that means.

Ok then.