Monday, November 20, 2006

Shakin, Not Stirred ~ But Still Brilliant

So I'm back to my old blogging roots. What first got me started, the good ole movie review. With my lack of anything interesting to say lately I figured I might as well go back to helping average people be smarter at the theatre. Today's flick? "Casino Royale" the newest of new James Bond Films.

Premise? The beginning. Think of Batman Begins, if you will. Its basically starting over with the James Bond Era. New Bond, New story lines, BETTER movie. (thank goodness) While I was as skeptical as everyone else about how this movie would turn out without Brosnan, I will still more than anxious to see it and see how it would come about. I'm glad to say I was more than pleasantly surprised. I'm not a huge Daniel Craig fan...and I felt that he lacked a bit of "sexiness" that was needed and was oh-so-perfected by Pierce Brosnan...I was wrong. While I still don't find him the most attractive of male actors, he definitely has more of a sizzle to him than he did before. (Thank you Marvin Campbell) He really should be sending him some flowers or something. No other movie could have made him look that good.....and he's still not that attractive. I'll leave it to you to figure out my circular statement.

Story? Again, goes to the beginning before Bond was "Bond 007". Shows you he is human, and shows you events in his life that cause him to become the man we've (my age group) grown up to know and love. It was the perfect mix of wit and romance - without being sleazy (think of "Die another Day") and perfect mix of action and suspense - without being green-screened to death (think "World is not Enough") Its a guy/girl movie at its best. Both get something they want without leaving the theatre talking about who counted the most car explosions or naked boob shots. (Those of you poo pooing my last comment are more than likely 14yr old boys who shouldn't read my blogs anyway - you won't get them- just stop now and go play with your PS3..we all know you waited outside for 3 days to get it.) Sometimes less is more. And this is the case. Story heavy without being boring it carries you on a twisty thrill ride of unexpected events that even I was sometimes surprised at. Craig manages to actually make himself believable as not only a lover but a completely kick @$$ dude. Which is something that Brosnan never "quite" got.
I totally recommend it. You can even take a date to this one.

P.S. The leading lady is probably one of the best looking in a LONG time, and I never say things like that. I didn't even need to see her boobs to figure it out.


THOUGHTS: So far this fall, the best movie I've seen aside from "The Prestige".

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