Thursday, March 01, 2007

Warning: Female In Mirror Less High Maintenance Than She Appears

What is it about getting married that brings out the Bridezilla talk? And I'm not talking about me, I'm talking about everyone else.

Not more than a couple days after I announced I was getting married people started throwing out the, "Hey! Don't be a bridezilla!" speel.
While I knew this was going to happen….I didn't expect it from almost everyone. And I'll tell you what's frustrating. The pure fact that because you are instantly labeled as a potential "Bridezilla"…ANYTHING you say or do WILL be held against you in a court of law.

I'm serious.

And its bogus.

For example. I've been throwing myself pretty heavily into three things.
1. Location
2. photographer
3. videographer
Those three things are what matters the most TO ME, everything else will work itself out..and I don't really care. But those THREE THINGS, I'm ANAL about. Its not bridezilla…its just that those things are most important to me.
That being said. I have 2 ½ of them finished. ½ you say? What ½? Well I have the wedding location….but not the reception location. Because of this my focus has been pretty heavily set on calling ANYWHERE that has a possible facility I could use….so far?

Everyone is booked.

Except for a couple of places…
now out of this couple there is one that I can't get ANY info on. I've called, left three messages…talked to several different people who continually send me to the same voicemail of the same moron that apparently never learned how to use A) his voicemail or B) the phone. I've never received a call. Not one.
And because of this I'm getting quite frustrated. I expect people who are HEAD of sales, in major companies (iow hotels) to have the decency to at least return a phone call….within at least 2 days. I guess this guy wasn't raised by the same code of manners that I was.

And what happens?

People are saying…don't be a bridezilla.
Excuse me?

When your food at a restaurant is late or cold or BAD or has a bug in it….do I look at you and say, " Now, don't be a foodzilla!"?

When you buy a sweater and they don't take off those security tags and you have to go back to the store AGAIN … I say…"Now..don't be a shoppingzilla!".??

When the credit card company or the bank messes up a statement or charges you more than you expected to pay…do I say, "Now, don't be a moneyzilla!"????


Because you are simply responding to POOR SERVICE. It has nothing to do with the fact that you are being out of line….and simply because the people that are being PAID to do a certain job, aren't doing it, and you're upset.
And when did it become wrong to be upset with something like that? People in this country get upset when a red light takes too long….so if I want a simple phone call returned….I don't think its asking too much.

Its not Bridezilla.
Its freakin customer service.

I haven't even yelled at them on the phone, or cried, or burned down any buildings or set defenseless animals on fire.


Repeat after me: When planning a function or paying large amounts of money…shoot. Even small amounts of money, it is OKAY to try to get what you want. It is OKAY to demand a certain amount of respect and decency. It is OKAY to be upset when something that was promised wasn't receieved. When you pay for something, you dang well better get what it was you paid for. Otherwise, what's the big frickin deal about free enterprise??

I suppose this post will only feed the bridezilla monkeys more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good words.