Monday, July 17, 2006


So I’m here to tell you about my latest run in with eHarmony. But Tamaira, you might ask, you have a boyfriend (and a fabulous one at that) what are you doing on eHarmony? Let’s just say Tamaira had another “great” idea. *ahem*
So I figured that me and “J” had talked a lot about how much we had in common...or maybe not even that, maybe just the fact that we were compatible. And of course, what does eHarmony tout? COMPATIBILITY. The so-called 29 degrees of it if I remember correctly. So I had the wild idea that I wanted us to get on and take the 2hour test and see if we would have been matched together. Really the basis of my curiosity was the fact that we feel so completely compatible, on I would say, just about every level. So this was a great opportunity to see just how good eHarmony was at matching people who could honestly say, “Hey, we’re compatible and have great chemistry.”
So we take the test, but not only that, we have to fill out religious preferences, child preferences etc. Which I do have to admit, may have been a hang up in the past. Considering I would have been a bit more uptight in those questions than “J” would have been. So those questions were filled out the same way, considering our current situation, and while that may seem like tilting the scales or cheating…it actually is going to help me prove something later on. The last thing we had to fill out was the distance in which we were wanting to search. Well, me and “J” being in the same city, we picked the smallest one. Which when your doing something as specific as eHarmony, I don’t recommend. Anyone will tell you that you’ll hardly get any search results from that. But we were trying to make it as uncomplicated as possible, without cheating.
After anxiously awaiting the end of the “endless” questions. We gave the site a few minutes to “get itself together” and tell us what we already knew……the person in charge of matching people was “apparently” at break…so we waited a little longer…..the only thing comforting us at this point was the fact that neither of us had ANY matches….which could only prove one of two things: 1. the only thing that we had in common was the fact that we weren’t compatible with anyone or 2. This site was proving less than worthy of the ridiculous amounts of money it takes to use it. ….. we kept waiting. …
In the meantime, we had our test results in front of us and were comparing. The first set told you about yourself and the second (the more interesting set) told you about what you should look for in your “ideal mate”. Naturally, we jumped straight to those. At first it was great; everything but maybe one or two of the 29 degrees were literally the same. We were ecstatic. It was so cool to see that we weren’t crazy and that our feelings of compatibility were correct. I mean, according to what was in front of me, I had my “ideal man”. There’s nothin like perfection! So we went back to the screen and reloaded…..and waited……and……. A match!............... *screech* ……………
It wasn’t “J”. It was some random person in Hays. *bummer*. We reloaded again. Nothing. It was amazing. I couldn’t believe it. Here we were looking at our results that were saying exactly the same things…and nothing. Not to mention that our preferences matched and we were located within 30 miles of each other. How could something so specific miss two people that matched so closely?? ( This, I felt, was a question for Jack Handy, but considering I didn’t know how to reach Jack at that particular moment….I resigned to sighing loudly instead.)
So with our disappointment large enough to fill a small stadium, we closed our accounts and decided something that any other mature, rational, adult would…..
That site was obviously stupid.

Ps.Not that I'm promoting them, but if you want to take the eHarmony test, theres no cost, you just have to sign up first. You can find it here.


Anonymous said...

Quit trying to replace me!



~T~ said...

Actually, there was no photo. And I didn't read the profile either, I just deleted it. I kinda dig my man, don't really want another one.