Wednesday, January 31, 2007

I'm An Idiot.

Me: *looking at clock* (sigh) Crap. Its 12:30am and i've got that hair appointment tomorrow.

J: yep.

Me: I don't want to go.

J: yes you do.

Me: Ok, I WANT to go, but not really. I do..but not that early.

J: *gives me the look*

~~~~20 mins later~~~~~

Me: I've gotta find my card...I can't remember the exact time my appointment is.

J: *ignores me*

Me: Oh wait! I put it in a I wouldn't loose the info..(rolls eyes)

~~~~5 mins later~~~~

Me: Oh look! Its at 9:45am instead of 8:30am!

J: Thats good.

Me: tomorrow thursday?

J: yes

Me: Oh jeez. My appointment isn't until Friday. I'm worried for no reason. Tomorrows only THURSDAY.

J: *laughs*

Me: Why didn't you tell me? Why did you let me think it was tomorrow?

J: well you seemed to have it figured out...

Me: You see how my lame attempts at organization only lead to chaos?

I blame it on the fact I had to get up at 4:30am this morning.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

T-Do '07 Part II

Well you could say i'm on a roll. OR i'm just so sick of feeling blah that I finally kicked my OWN butt and made some appointments. So here is a list of upcoming things on my list that I get to cross off:
1. 9:45am Hair appointment on Feb. 2nd.
Not a time I really like, but with my schedule, I didn't have a choice.....AND I go to one of the more popular hair stylists here in yeah.

2. 8:30am Vet appointment for Sadie Michelle Katt on Feb. 3rd.
She needs her shots and they're only open until noon on weekends. And i'm not dragging a freaked out cat to the vet before work. No way.

3. 8:40am Eye appointment on Feb. 14th.

Yes. I'm aware of the time AND the fact its Valentines Day. But if I don't start somewhere I'll never have contacts, and i'll go insane(er). Lookin into Lasik...anyone have any opinions?

Things I'm beginning that can't quite be crossed off yet....

1. Starting weird diet of soup only for lunch, and something reasonable for dinner. Hoping to begin the work out again soon. Stay tuned....

Final Thoughts:
You know, I don't actually know how much I weigh. I guess I should weigh myself before I start this diet so I know when i've lost the desired amount of weight. Or I could use the method i've used in the past.....and just wait until my pants are loose again. After Feb. 14th, I will update my list with the crossed off and updated items. I'm sure there will be more to add. So if I picked one of the ones you were hoping to "kick me in the butt" about....just wait...there's more...oh so much more.......

Monday, January 29, 2007

2007 To-Do Part I

While sitting at home doing nothing and feeling blah, as I have felt for the last week- this is no doubt being brought on my hormones, but still- I began to list several things that I intend on doing sometime in 2007. Do not confuse this with New Years Resolutions. I don't do those. They pretty much are stupid. And its not New Years anymore. This is more of a to-do list....and i'm making it public so you all can kick my butt when you haven't seen me cross many things off. I'll update it periodically. Theres no real rush to finish anything other than I want to have them all done by the end of 2007. But if a really long time goes by, and I haven't updated....its up to you to send a kick in the butt my way. This is the responsibility you have for being my friend.....and reading my blog. *evil laugh*Those of you that know me, know that I have no self motivation at all. Its gone. I dont' know where it went....but its not coming back. So its up to you to ride my tail about getting stuff done. Challenge me.

1.Hair appointment
3.Fix my huge teeth.
4.update my cats shots something artistic again
6.have my nails done
7.have my eyebrows waxed...(ouch)
8.move my mice into their own room...(this only works with number 9)
9. move
10. fix my car
11. lose 10llbs. ( I doubt I really need to lose 10lbs..but aim know)
12. finish cleaning my dining room

Theres no doubt I'll add to this, as well as take some things off once i've done them. Pick one you like....and don't let me forget about it until its DONE!(this is excluding #8,9-thats really out of my control right now)

This just in...

Today J informed me that he loved me " a million, bagillion, zillion, frillion times"...
I did not make that up. But I am hoping that Websters calls soon. Cause that is a great word.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


I get asked a lot…”why are you so obsessed with mice?” And I suppose it’s a fair question, really. It is an odd thing “around here”….but this isn’t the first time I’ve been involved in something that is considered “weird around here”. Heard of winterguard? I didn’t think so….at least those of you that know me know about it, but probably only because you know “me”. The funny thing is that both winterguard AND mice breeding is a big deal in other areas of the country and/or world. Does this mean I was born in the wrong state? Possibly. Or maybe I’m just one of those people that are ok enough with being weird, that I can spread these new things to new areas without worrying about what people think of me. The people that really know me and enjoy being around me are probably people that like weird (or as my boyfriend says “quirky”) people. I can’t speak for them, I’m only guessing. The saying, “it takes one to know one” is probably pretty accurate when it comes to weird people…or rather “quirky” people. We seem to flock together. We don’t necessarily have the same “quirks”, but we each have quirks nonetheless, so we manage to find each other. And that is as deep as I’m getting today. Its 7:15am and those of you who know me even slightly well know that I’m not meant to be up before 11am. So bear with me here. If anything is unreadable on this post, I blame it on sleep deprivation.
So why am I “so obsessed with mice”?
Well frankly I don’t think I’m obsessed. I think it appears that way to people who find fancy mouse breeding odd. But do you look at dog and cat breeders and ask, “Hey, why are you so obsessed with dogs?” Of course not. why? Because it’s common. I don’t expect fancy mice breeding to become common anytime soon, or probably ever. And I wouldn’t want it to be, for a couple of reasons. 1. That would just be waaaay too many mice. 2. I like being odd. If it wasn’t odd anymore I think I would lose some interest. Its fun to be a part of something that isn’t being overdone by the population of America. And in that regard, I am a lone duck. And I love it.
So the truth is, I really don’t know why I enjoy mice so much. Maybe it’s because I don’t want the huge ordeal of breeding larger animals. Maybe I’m obsessed with small things. Or maybe I just really love animals, and this was the most feasible thing for me to do, in my situation. I just don’t know. But I will say this, breeding mice is not just putting a couple mice together and waiting for babies. There is a lot of genetics research involved, there are true traits and qualities that you breed for and there are even shows where people show mice. (Show mice are closer to the size of a rat, but they are still mice) Why is one person interested in one thing while another is interested in something completely different? I don’t know, and I don’t really care. The truth is I just love doing it, and it doesn’t matter what others think, because I’m an independent person capable of making my own decisions without approval from everyone I know. Man, how boring would that be???
So hopefully you’ll someday want a pet mouse. And maybe you’ll get it from me. (Mine are better anyways. *wink*) and then you’ll be glad you knew this weirdo chick that was obsessed with mice. And hey, the weirdness doesn’t stop there. What other girl do you know that likes superheroes and can have a conversation about Star Wars while carrying her Dooney and Bourke bag? . . .
I didn’t’ think so.
Enjoy the weird people in your life. They make it more fun.