Wednesday, January 31, 2007

I'm An Idiot.

Me: *looking at clock* (sigh) Crap. Its 12:30am and i've got that hair appointment tomorrow.

J: yep.

Me: I don't want to go.

J: yes you do.

Me: Ok, I WANT to go, but not really. I do..but not that early.

J: *gives me the look*

~~~~20 mins later~~~~~

Me: I've gotta find my card...I can't remember the exact time my appointment is.

J: *ignores me*

Me: Oh wait! I put it in a I wouldn't loose the info..(rolls eyes)

~~~~5 mins later~~~~

Me: Oh look! Its at 9:45am instead of 8:30am!

J: Thats good.

Me: tomorrow thursday?

J: yes

Me: Oh jeez. My appointment isn't until Friday. I'm worried for no reason. Tomorrows only THURSDAY.

J: *laughs*

Me: Why didn't you tell me? Why did you let me think it was tomorrow?

J: well you seemed to have it figured out...

Me: You see how my lame attempts at organization only lead to chaos?

I blame it on the fact I had to get up at 4:30am this morning.

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