Tuesday, January 30, 2007

T-Do '07 Part II

Well you could say i'm on a roll. OR i'm just so sick of feeling blah that I finally kicked my OWN butt and made some appointments. So here is a list of upcoming things on my list that I get to cross off:
1. 9:45am Hair appointment on Feb. 2nd.
Not a time I really like, but with my schedule, I didn't have a choice.....AND I go to one of the more popular hair stylists here in town...so yeah.

2. 8:30am Vet appointment for Sadie Michelle Katt on Feb. 3rd.
She needs her shots and they're only open until noon on weekends. And i'm not dragging a freaked out cat to the vet before work. No way.

3. 8:40am Eye appointment on Feb. 14th.

Yes. I'm aware of the time AND the fact its Valentines Day. But if I don't start somewhere I'll never have contacts, and i'll go insane(er). Lookin into Lasik...anyone have any opinions?

Things I'm beginning that can't quite be crossed off yet....

1. Starting weird diet of soup only for lunch, and something reasonable for dinner. Hoping to begin the work out again soon. Stay tuned....

Final Thoughts:
You know, I don't actually know how much I weigh. I guess I should weigh myself before I start this diet so I know when i've lost the desired amount of weight. Or I could use the method i've used in the past.....and just wait until my pants are loose again. After Feb. 14th, I will update my list with the crossed off and updated items. I'm sure there will be more to add. So if I picked one of the ones you were hoping to "kick me in the butt" about....just wait...there's more...oh so much more.......

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